Why Canadian Honey is Considered Superior on the World Stage
The Great North Strong and Sweet
So, what sets our honey apart?
First of all, we basically set the bar for safety and quality control. That’s because we place a high value on the overall role beekeeping plays in our agricultural industry. In fact, Stats Canada has been keeping track on honey production since 1924. In those times two-thirds of it was produced in Ontario. Since then, it’s spread out west to the prairies and BC, with wild bees gathering nectar and pollen from a beautiful cross-section of flowers throughout our long summers. This gives pure, certifiable raw honey, like the Botanist Choice, a wide range for of floral scents and flavours.
Our biodiversity is the key to our great tasting honey. But more than that, reputable Canadian beekeepers take pride in producing an authentic honey that Mother Nature, herself would approve of.
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